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Starting A Business

What you need to know

Legal Articles About Starting a Business

Sylvia has a number of helpful articles for business owners who are just starting out or unfamiliar with certain areas of business law.

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Our Start Up Services

What is included in our START UP Corporate Counsel Package?

The law touches every business. Business owners need access to affordable legal services.


You need to make the smart moves when it comes to making plans, developing products and services and lining up financing.  But meeting with a small business attorney is one of the smartest moves you’ll ever make.


A business lawyer will explain how to properly start a business and answer your business law questions.  Most importantly, a business lawyer will identify risks and help you minimize them.


Our START UP Corporate Counsel package provides these vital services to new business owners for a low monthly fee.  Let us help you in setup proper business structures and properly manage your risks.

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16 Spring Lane,
Farmington, Connecticut

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The purpose of the content on this website is to provide education on legal issues.  Attorney Sylvia Ho is responsible for the content.  All content provided is for informational purposes only, and should not be considered or relied on as legal advice.  The reader should not act on the information without first consulting legal counsel, as facts and circumstances differ from case to case.   If you desire legal advice for your particular situation, you should consult an attorney.

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